Adult Programs
Our community center offers a series of family-focused programs that foment leadership, positive parenting practices, and healthy living habits for adults in our local community.

Adult Wellness Classes
The Adult Wellness Program provides access to physical fitness and physical therapy to adults aged 40+. Our goal is to increase opportunities for our student’s family members to engage in a healthy lifestyle and improve their overall mental and physical wellness.
Days & Times:
Tuesdays & Thursdays

As part of Pal Center's Community Wellness Programming, we offer free Zumba classes to the community every week. This is a great way we encourage our families to stay active and healthy– both physically and mentally.
Days & Times:
Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays, & Fridays
6:30pm-7:30pm & 7:30pm-8:30 pm

Focus Groups
Pal Center hosts monthly focus groups for our community. We bring families in and provide them with information and support around the topics of social, emotional, and mental health. There are other evenings where we involve our families in city-wide initiative meetings ensuring their voice is heard.
Check our social media to stay up to date on our upcoming sessions - @rcpalcenter

Virtual Office Hours with Rocio
Have a question about a program, local resource, or need help with something? Our Family & Community Engagement Coordinator, Rocio Vega is available via a virtual drop-in at the following times:
Monday from 5pm-6pm

Tattoo Removal
The Tattoo Removal Program removes tattoos, giving individuals increased opportunities for a balanced life as well as educational and employment opportunities. This program is at no cost for participants.
If you are interested in this program, please email Jennifer Martinez: jmartinez@redwoodcity.org
2023 Program Partners